BPC Resources

- 5,000 sq. ft. weatherization learning lab for hands-on, interactive and high-comprehension training
- two-story construction training house with contemporary and historic framing methods, transparent wall and roof panels to highlight construction and insulation materials, air sealing and roof vent installation methods
- fully functioning gas combustion and electric appliances, solar hot water systems
- small / large classrooms seat up to 12 / 24 people in any configuration
The BPC maintains a comprehensive resource library.
Select a topic to show all content.
The Building Performance Center offers a self guided Asbestos Awareness Course. It includes an informational powerpoint presentation by WA State L&I regarding the properties, health effects, identification, and regulations surrounding Asbestos. Completion of the training and assessment results in certification of completion as required by WA State Dept. of Commerce WX Policy See our course schedule to register.
Guide to asbestos abatement: https://www.asbestos.com/abatement-guide/
Asbestos – Overview of Hazards and Regulations by Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. PowerPoint presentation
Study packets, applications, and resources for BPI certifications.
Confined Spaces Field Safety Training
This online presentation and discussion about OSHA’s Confined Space Rule and information for all field workers on identification and safety for confined spaces. Completion of training and assessment results in Certification as a Competent Person as required by WA State Dept. of Commerce WX Policy (3) See our course schedule to register.
Please click here to view the OSHA Confined Spaces Construction FAQs.
Please click here to view the Confined Space in Residential Construction document.
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) defined and air filter rating chart found here.
Washington State Weatherization Program – Client Education Guide (PDF)
File Checklist for Renovation and Repair (RRP) Work (63 KB Word doc)
Lead Abbreviations (76 KB Word doc)
Renovation Recordkeeping Checklist (101 KB Word doc)
Test Kit Documentation Form (64 KB Word doc)
Non-certified Worker Checklist (43 KB Word doc)
Mold and Moisture Field Safety Training
Online presentation and discussion in mold inspection and documentation protocols established by the Department of Energy for all staff charged with assessing projects for weatherization. Procedures for worker protection are found in U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) “A Brief Guide to Mold in the Workplace.” Completion of training and assessment results in certification of completion as required by WA State Dept. of Commerce WX Policy See our course page to register.
- NREL Publications Database
- NREL Energy Auditor Job Task Analysis (NREL Website)
- NREL Quality Control Inspector Job Task Analysis (NREL Website)
- NREL Crew Leader Job Task Analysis (NREL Website)
- NREL Standard Work Specifications (NREL Website Español)
- NREL Standard Work Specifications (NREL Website English)
OSHA Weatherization Checklist (Word Doc.)
Managing Weatherization 2011 presentation (3 MB PowerPoint .pptx)
Staff Planning Tool (90 KB Excel .xls)
Leadership in Programs (3.1 MB PowerPoint .ppt)
Indoor Air Quality Resources from Northwest Clean Air Agency
Health and Environmental effects of gas stoves (2MB Adobe pdf)
Why experts are sounding the alarm about gas stoves, Jonathan Mingle
Keep it Dry and Ventilated (6.5 MB PowerPoint .ppt)
- Paul Francisco – Applying ASHRAE 62.2 ( 242 KB PowerPoint.pps)
- Wisconsin’s experience implementing ASHRAE 62.2 (1.3 MB Adobe pdf)
- October 2011 ASHRAE 62.2 Calculation (54 KB Excel .xlsx)
What Happens When Your House is Weatherized? (57 MB Powerpoint .ppt) While designed to inform low-income weatherization recipients, this PowerPoint touches on many elements that should be included in any quality weatherization project.
List of WA State Weatherization Agencies (WA State Department of Commerce Web)