Featured Services

Job Board for Weatherization Careers
We help connect the highly skilled professionals that access our training center with jobs in related fields. If you're a contractor that has a position to fill let us know.

Spanish Interpretation for Selected Trainings
New! Spanish translation available for select courses. ¡Nuevo! Traducción al español disponible para cursos selectos. ¡Haga clic abajo para leer más!

Energy Diagnostics and Analysis
The BPC’s technical staff combines experience gained from working on over 1,000 buildings with science-based, expert knowledge of building performance.

reducing emissions
BPC partners with PSE!
This electric vehicle is expanding services to low-income households through a lower cost fuel source with zero emissions. Our Conservation Education team has already saved energy while delivering energy saving items to clients in our low income Weatherization program. PSE is committed to carbon reduction and supporting the growth of electric transportation in our region.
Hands-on, in person, and online options
Our approach and focus on quality result from over 30 years of experience, so you can be sure you’ll gain the skills, knowledge or results you seek from any of our courses.
Upcoming events
Interested in becoming a weatherization professional? Need to update your current weatherization skills or earn certification?
Through the BPC’s proven training programs, you’ll learn new skills in hands-on labs. Our trainers are weatherization experts with decades of experience.