$350 (General Public / Non-Associated Contractor); $175 (WA State Wx Agency-Associated Contractor); $0 (WA State Wx Agency Staff)
Event Details
Course Description:
The Energy Auditor Field Procedures Review course is a 1-day training designed to review the Building Performance Institute Energy Auditor
Event Details
Course Description:
The Energy Auditor Field Procedures Review course is a 1-day training designed to review the Building Performance Institute Energy Auditor (BPI EA) field guide contents and procedures for candidates preparing for the Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor field test. Attendees will use the BPI Energy Auditor Field Guide, BPI Energy Auditor Certification Scheme Handbook, and combustion standards associated BPI ANSI/BPI-1200-2017.
Course contains aspects of BPI Energy Auditor Job Task Analyses, but it is not intended to be a comprehensive training on all individual items.