
Training and Certifications for Building Professionals
Our hands-on approach and focus on quality result from over 30 years of experience, so you can be sure you’ll gain the skills, knowledge or results you seek from any of our courses.
We are a Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified test center and an accredited training provider for the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).
The Green Buildings Career Map is a highly interactive tool that explores an industry exploding with job opportunities.
Training to Meet Your Needs
Our field-experienced trainers are happy to discuss how we can modify our training courses to meet your requirements:
- match our training capabilities to your clients’ or trainees’ needs
- expand or accelerate any of our courses
- combine courses into a customized program
- suggest a topic to create a new course
Weatherization Managers' Training
Starting or expanding weatherization programs? BPC’s experts can increase success and reduce the cost of start-up challenges.
- design a successful energy or healthy homes program
- evaluate critical program systems and elements
- ensure regulatory compliance
- establish quality assurance standards for delivered services
Core trainings
ONLINE Building Analyst Written Knowledge Review
This ONLINE Building Analyst Written Knowledge Review course is a 1- day (6 hour) training designed to prepare exam candidates for the written portion of the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst (BA) exam. All instruction and support will be in accordance with the BPI Core Certification Scheme Handbook and the BPI BA Testing Knowledge List. Course includes concepts and calculations included in the ANSI/BPI 1200 Standard and other standards referenced in the Handbook.
Course contains aspects of each section in the BPI Testing Knowledge List, but it is not intended to be a comprehensive training on all individual items.
Course Content & Objectives:
- Building Science and Building Systems
- Describe and identify all elements of data collection in an energy audit
- Diagnostics and Analysis
- Describe diagnostic processes and data collection
- Analyze collected data in order to determine concerns, corrections, or benefits accurately
- Applicable Standards
- Identify and review standard requirements and limits for work on homes
- Modeling and Workscope
- Identify and describe modeling requirements and process accurately
- Describe and develop workscopes based on diagnostics, data analysis, and modeling software
- Additional: Navigation of Reference Documents
- Identify sections of the BPI 1200 Standard
Course Requirements:
- Technology
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
Prerequisites and Work Experience:
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with BPI BA Documents
- BPI Core Certification Scheme Handbook including all associated Standards of reference
- Current BPI 1200 Standard
Assessments and Grading:
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Blower Door and Pressure Diagnostics
This ONLINE Blower Door and Pressure Diagnostics course is a 1-day (6 hour) training designed to provide new and current Building Analysts with the information needed to complete building envelope diagnostics in accordance with the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst Technical Standards and the Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications. Instruction will include introduction and review of building science concepts, use of required equipment, and procedures required for proper diagnostic testing.
This online class, though covering hands on elements, is not a substitute for in-person hands on training.
Course Content & Objectives:
- Building Science: Driving forces and air flow
- Name and describe building science concepts relating to BD and PD
- Blower Door Equipment and Operation
- Identify and describe operation of BD equipment
- Diagnostic Test Procedures
- List all BD testing procedures and describe how to complete each
- Understanding and interpreting results
- Read and interpret all results gained from BD and Pressure testing
Course Requirements:
- Technology
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
- Equipment (recommended)
- Manometer – DG700 preferred
Prerequisites and Work Experience:
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with Reference Materials
- Washington State Dept. of Commerce WX Specifications
- WA State Diagnostic Test Report
- Current BPI 1200 Standard
Assessments and Grading:
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Combustion Safety for Weatherization
This ONLINE Combustion Safety (CS) for Weatherization* course is a 1- day (6 hour) training focusing on basic safety testing of combustion appliances. It is designed to provide new and current Building Analysts the knowledge of and procedures included in the Building Performance Institute (BPI) 1200 standard and Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications. Instruction will include introduction and review of CS concepts, identification of combustion appliances and parts, use of required equipment, and procedures required for proper combustion safety testing.
*This online class, though covering hands on elements, is not a substitute for in-person hands on training
Course Content & Objectives:
- Combustion Appliances
- Identify and describe different combustion appliances and their important features
- Combustion Safety Testing Equipment
- Identify and describe equipment used during CS testing and their function
- Combustion Safety Testing Procedures
- List all CS testing procedures and describe how to complete each
- Interpret results of testing correctly and identify applicable limits and corrections based on BPI 1200 standard
Course Requirements:
- Technology
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
Prerequisites and Work Experience:
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with Reference Materials
- Washington State Dept. of Commerce WX Specifications
- Current BPI 1200 Standard
Assessments and Grading:
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Energy Auditor Written Knowledge Review
This ONLINE Energy Auditor Written Knowledge Review course is a 1- day (6 hour) training designed to prepare exam candidates for the written portion of the Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor (EA) exam. All instruction and support will be in accordance with the Building Performance Institute (BPI) Energy Auditor Certification Scheme Handbook. Instruction reviews concepts and calculations included in the ANSI/BPI 1200 Standard, associated National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Energy Auditor Job Task Analysis (JTA), and other standards referenced in the Handbook.
Course contains aspects of BPI Energy Auditor Job Task Analyses, but it is not intended to be a comprehensive training on all individual items.
Course Content & Objectives:
- EA JTA Domain 1: Data Collection
- Describe and identify all elements of data collection in an energy audit according to BPI JTA
- EA JTA Domain 2: Diagnostic Testing
- Describe and identify elements and practices for diagnostic testing according to BPI JTA
- EA JTA Domain 3: Data Evaluation for Workscopes
- Evaluate collected data in order to determine project workscopes according to BPI JTA
- Additional: Navigation of Reference Documents
- Discover and specify Standard Work Specifications (SWS) related to elements of a work scope quickly and accurately
Course Requirements:
- Technology:
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with BPI EA Documents
- BPI EA Certification Scheme Handbook including all JTAs included
- Current BPI Standards
- Other standards listed in Section 9 of Scheme Handbook
- If attempting to certify an approval letter from BPI will be required
Assessments and Grading:
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Energy Auditor Field Procedures Review
This ONLINE Energy Auditor Field Procedures Review* course is a 1- day (6 hour) training designed to review the Building Performance Institute Energy Auditor (BPI EA) field guide contents and procedures for candidates preparing for the Home Energy Professional Energy Auditor field test. Attendees will participate in an online Zoom training, using the BPI Energy Auditor Field Guide, BPI Energy Auditor Certification Scheme Handbook, and combustion standards associated BPI ANSI/BPI-1200-2017.
Course contains aspects of BPI Energy Auditor Job Task Analyses, but it is not intended to be a comprehensive training on all individual items. *This online class, though covering hands on elements, is not a substitute for in-person hands on training.
Course Content & Objectives:
- EA JTA Domain 1: Data Collection
- Describe, identify, and measure related data points in accordance with BPI JTA
- EA JTA Domain 2: Diagnostic Testing
- Describe and identify elements and practices for diagnostic testing according to BPI JTA
- Additional:
- Identify and explain requirements and information in BPI EA field guide
Course Requirements:
- Technology:
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
Prerequisites and Work Experience:
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with BPI EA Certification Scheme Handbook and Field Guide
- EA Job Task Analysis and all Domains
- Current BPI Standards in Section 9 of Scheme Handbook
- BPI Energy Auditor – 2019 Field Guide
- If attempting to certify an approval letter from BPI will be required
Assessments and Grading:
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Introduction to TREAT – Single Family
The ONLINE Intro to TREAT (Targeted Retrofit Energy Analysis Tool) for Single Family course is a 2- day (12 hour) training designed to prepare students to use the Washington State Department of Energy (DOE) approved energy auditing tool TREAT. This training will cover how to model existing homes, create improvement packages (including weatherization related repairs, ancillary measures, and leveraged funding), determine Savings to Investment Ratios (SIRs), and how to justify and prioritize energy conservation measures as outlined in Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC) Policy.
Course Content:
- Policies and regulations
- Recognize policy and regulations governing TREAT audits
- Collection of information
- Describe and identify all information required to complete a TREAT audit
- Data entry and analysis
- Demonstrate correct data entry for all sections
- Comply with all proper procedures for individual measures and improvements
- Generate reports and achieve prioritized SIRs that will satisfy DoC requirements
- Tips and tricks
- Explain additional tips and tricks to assist in completion of audit with ease and accuracy
Course Requirements:
- Technology:
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- PSD Consulting TREAT – Single Family software installed on Windows based computer/laptop
- 30 day trial copy available online
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
Assessments and Grading
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress Assessment activities throughout
- One final assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment
ONLINE Mobile Home Training
The ONLINE Mobile Home Training is a 4-day (32-hour) training designed to provide Weatherization staff the background and foundation of information to understand how to weatherize a mobile home. Each student will participate in an on-line training, participate in discussions, and complete additional assignments with associated homework during class time. All training will reference relevant State Standards, National Renewable Energy Laboratories Standard Work Specifications (NREL SWS) Field Guide for Single Family and Manufactured Homes and industry best practice.
Course Content and Objectives:
- Introduction to Mobile Homes
- Discover the characteristics of a mobile home as well as Identify its components
- Describe the process of assessing a mobile home and all included systems
- Mobile Home Construction
- Distinguish between problems and opportunities
- Weatherization of Mobile Homes
- Identify retrofit opportunities for mobile homes
Course Requirements:
- Technology:
- One student with one computer connected to the internet
- Ability to download documents
- Use of Zoom meetings on computer
- BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC
- Expectation of attendance and class participation
Prerequisites and Work Experience:
- 12-24 months field experience recommended
- Familiarity with SWSs and Field Guide for your State
Assessments and Assignments
- All assessments will be multiple choice question style
- In-progress assignments and assessment activities throughout
- Final Assessment
- Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment.